Hello, It's Me

Selman Şahbudak

Full Stack Developer

I am a passionate and experienced full stack developer with a strong background in both front-end and back-end technologies. I have a proven track record of developing and implementing innovative web solutions that meet the needs of clients and users.

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About Me

Full-Stack Developer!

I'm skilled in both front-end and back-end technologies. My expertise lies in various technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Django, Python, and more. I am proficient in building user-friendly interfaces, creating efficient back-end systems, and ensuring seamless integration between different components.

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Our Services

User-Centric Design

I prioritize user experience, ensuring that every element of the interface is intuitive, easy to navigate, and visually appealing. I focus on creating interfaces that are accessible to a wide range of users.

UI/UX Design

My experience in UI/UX ensures your website isn't just eye-catching but also user-friendly and designed to transform digital experiences into intuitive, aesthetically pleasing, and engaging journeys for your users.

Responsive Web Design

I ensure that your responsive website loads swiftly regardless of the user's device or connection speed and screen sizes, providing a consistent and enjoyable experience for users on desktops and mobile phones.

Latest Project

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Blog App

In this project, I developed a website using React that allows users to register and login to publish new blog posts, utilizing an API developed with Django. Additionally, I implemented methods such as pagination, filtering, slider, and carousel in the project.

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Dental Appointment dashboard

This project is an admin panel for dentists and Dentistry political identities. It is also a panel where people can make an appointment to be examined and keep track of their appointments. Doctors can follow all the data of their patients through this panel. There are many features such as appointments, calculations, statistics, past transactions, examination details.

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Newsletter Signup

I built Virtual game platform where football cards can be bought and sold.

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CrewIn Blog App

I developed a blog that sailors can share their maritime blogs.

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Weather Condition App

The purpose of this project is to make a weather application using the https://api.openweathermap.org api.It is to bring and display the weather conditions of the location desired by the user.

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Bootcamp Courses Project with Bootstrap

In this project, the Clarusway School Website was designed using HTML and Bootstrap-5 for styling. The purpose of this Bootstrap-5 project is to enable the use of Bootstrap-5 (class names) for styling and to take advantage of CSS Frameworks.

See All My Project

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